We've updated the look and feel of Zenput - here's what's new.
We've given Zenput a more modern look and consistent feel. All of your existing features still exist, but a few might be in new places. As a general rule of thumb, the main action button for each page is now in the top right corner.
We'll show you below.
The Form Builder - New Look, Same Functionality
The form builder has a new look, but it works exactly the same as before. The only functional difference is that the action buttons are in the top right corner, when you're ready to Distribute or Preview your form.
Here's what the new builder looks like:
How to Create New Forms or Edit Existing Forms
There's a new way to create new forms and edit existing forms. From any screen, click on the Forms button.
Then, click in the top right corner to create a new form.
Or, to edit an existing form, find the correct form, and click on Edit (see image below). The drop-down next to the edit button contains the other options for each form, such as Creating a Copy of the form, or archiving the form so it's no longer an active form.
How to View Reports and Create Excel/CSV files
The Reports page has two new features. First, the Excel icon no longer exists. Instead, it's been replaced by the Export button in the top right corner.
Second, you will notice next to the "Date Submitted" field in the table, there's a Plus (+) button:
If you like to view reports within's Zenput dashboard, this feature allows you to choose which columns appear on screen. Just click the + button and choose which fields you'd like to view.
How to Manage Your Teams
There's a new tab called Users in the top navigation bar. You can edit your users and manage your teams as before. If you want to add a new user, or create a new team, click on the button in the top right corner.
As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions - and please let us know what you think about the re-design!
- The Zenput Team
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